Thank you Director and Deputy Director of LAUT
Thank you Director and Deputy Director of LAUT
Lembaga Sumber Air Terengganu (LAUT) has received instructions with the exchange of two top LAUT officers, namely the Director and Deputy Director of LAUT, YB Dato ‘Mohd Azmi Mohammad Daham and Encik Ahmad Azmi bin Awang.
YB Dato ’Mohd Azmi Mohammad Daham has served in LAUT since October 2020 and was transferred to Yayasan Terengganu as a Director. Meanwhile, Mr. Ahmad Azmi Awang started his service at LAUT as Deputy Director since 15 December 2020 and will start his service at the Kuala Terengganu District and Land Office as the Chief Assistant District Officer.
Thank you for the service you have provided during your service at LAUT and good luck in your new place.