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Integrated Management

Integrated Management
  1. A process that promotes the coordination of development and management of water, land and related resources to maximize economic outcomes and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising ecosystem sustainability.
  2. Among the integrated management plans available in Malaysia are:
    • Integrated Water Resources Management Plan
      • The Integrated Water Resource Management Plan or known as Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is a process that promotes coordination in the development and management of water, land and related resources towards maximizing the economy and social welfare in the same way without compromising on main economic sustainability.
    • River Basin Integrated Management Plan
      • The Integrated River Basin Management Plan is an approach in water resources management that takes into account all aspects related to resources, including social and economic activities. It is a wide scope that covers not only water, but also aspects of environmental management such as land use issues, pollution control, development pressures and conservation of biodiversity.
    • Integrated Coastal Management Plan
      • The Integrated Coastal Management Plan can be briefly defined as a natural resource and environmental management system that adopts an integrated, holistic approach and interactive planning process in addressing complex management issues in coastal areas.