01/08/2021 in Information
A process of removing, taking, pumping, composing or transferring water or resources from any water source and water catchment area.
Water taken from any water source other than treated water supplied by the party supplying the treated water.
The execution of any work or activity that involves or is likely to have the effect that:
(a) separates, extracts or excavates material from a water source which alters the condition of the bottom, bank or shoreline of that water source;
(b) obstructs, stagnates, diverts or impairs the flow and movement of water in a water source;
(c) alter the original condition of the water source;
(d) reduce the force of a water source to contain water; or
(e) redempt any land forming part of a water resource, and for the purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this interpretation, an activity or work may, without prejudice to the generality of that paragraph, consist of the construction of bridges, highways, moorings , erosion embankments, breakwaters, sewers, footpaths, boat ramps, boat moorings, fish racks, fish ponds and navigation signs on, in or above a water source;
Refers to any watercourse, lake, water in dams, reservoir ponds, rivers, irrigation and drainage, coastal waters and other bodies of water, whether natural or artificial and includes any body of water designated under Part V ESAT 2020.
Charges include tariffs, deposits or any conveyances or contributions in connection with water resources or water production or supply of water resources.
Any area of a water source which receives surface or subsurface flow, or both which originates from rain for any purpose of use and may be declared as such by an order which may be made under the Enakmen Sumber Air (Terengganu) 2020.
Areas of land from which all surface runoff flows through a network of tributaries and major rivers, watercourses, water catchment areas or related, drainage drains, dams, agricultural drainage and irrigation, wetlands or lakes that end into the sea through one or more estuaries, deltas or lagoons (including groundwater systems located within the river basin area);
Areas of connection or collision of rivers to rivers, rivers to seas, rivers to lagoons, rivers to lakes or rivers to bodies of water that are partially, temporarily or completely enclosed which are open to the sea regularly or periodically and into which fresh water flows from land and sea water break through the river.
Practices that cause water to flow above, or disperse, or flow underground or retain water above or below the ground surface including drainage for water removal.
A plan or set of plans showing methods for controlling rainwater drainage, soil erosion, sediment runoff during construction, site stabilization and maintenance phases of construction or other soil disturbance activities.
A person supplied with a water source or a person liable for payers, tariffs, charges and any other fees or contributions for the water source used and includes an occupant who uses a river or groundwater source, or any body of water or stagnant rainwater directly.
Rivers, river basins, groundwater, wetlands and bodies of water in which water is found naturally as a component of the hydrological cycle, especially in the form of rainfall, groundwater or groundwater drainage.
Any river, tributary, creek or other natural stream of water, and any tributary of a river, stream/delta or artificial diversion thereof (according to the National Land Code 1965).